
How it works

You customize a template presentation, and then that template can be used to create multiple output presentations. The output presentations are edited live by submissions to your form, as instructed by the template, and create a single collective Google Slides presentation that represents the responses of many. Many output presentations can be created from a single template, and the form responses are directed to the most recently created output presentation. Each response specifies a slide number (corresponding to the slide number in the output presentation) for which the responses are routed to.


1. Open the app listing

2. Click Install

3. Click Launch


1. Customize your form as you normally would.

2. With your form open, click on the puzzle piece located in the top menu of Google Forms, then "Interactive Forms", and then "Get Started." This is the main control area for the application. On the first entry to the control area for a given form, a question asking for the slide number will be created (as the first question). You can customize the question created, however, it is important that the first question asks for the slide number. Click on "Edit Template" to start customizing your template.

3. When customizing your template, you can change the location of the text, add images, and edit as you would for any other Google Slides. The first slide represents the title slide of your output presentations, you can use the keywords <<Title>> and <<Date>> to represent the title and the date give in the creation of the output. The second slide is a placeholder slide and represents what is shown if a response is yet to be submitted for the given slide, no requirements for this page. The third slide represents the slide shown after a response is submitted, use <<Question Name>> to represent where an answer for a question with that given name should be inserted.

4. Go back to the application control panel and create an output presentation by filling out the inputs (Title, Date, Slide Count) and then clicking "CREATE NEW SLIDES".

5. Once "Success" appears below the button, click on "Open Current Slides" to view the output presentation you just created. You can share the presentation as you normally would (for example to create a public link click on "SHARE", and then "Get shareable link".

6. Send out the form, assigning each person a slide number beforehand. As people fill out the form, each response will update the corresponding slide in the output. Responses can be edited (if you allow so in the form settings) and will update the corresponding slide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I organize the presentations into folders in my drive?

Yes, you can move the presentations into folders of your choosing without affecting the program. You can also rename the presentations.